Parent Education & Support

Parents as Teachers


Your questions and concerns will be answered by your parent educator or appropriate referral sources. Contact us at 563-927-7599 for more information on this program, or feel free to email us.

What is Parents as Teachers?

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Parents as Teachers is a unique parent education program designed to give children the best possible start in life. The program is based on the philosophy that parents are the first and most important teachers. This is a voluntary, free program designed for all families, from before the birth of their child through their child's fifth birthday.

  • Parent educators will provide information and guidance on fostering your child's language, intellectual, social, and motor skills development.
  • Periodic screenings to ensure that your child has no undetected learning, hearing, vision, or developmental delays will be arranged.
  • Parent educators will bring activities to your home that you and your child can do together.
  • Independent research studies of the program have revealed that participating children showed significant advancement over their peers in language, social development, and problem-solving skills than comparison children.

Additional Services

Child Safety Seat Program
Instructional program on the correct installation and usage of child restraint systems. Our Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians provide assistance at checkup events and safety fairs.

Group Meetings
Held monthly. Topics focus on parent education, child development, and personal wellness.

Resource Library
Parents are able to check out books, videos, and child development materials. Information on community resources are also available.